Since the release of my book Pray-ers Bear Fruit, I've been asked two questions. Some want to know Why I decided to write a book on prayer when there are already so many books available on the subject? And How does Pray-ers Bear Fruit differ from other books on the subject of prayer? My answers are simply, I write on the subject of Prayer because God called me to teach people how to pray. And to answer the question of what makes Pray-ers Bear Fruit different from other books on prayer, I thought I would share what two readers have shared with me.
"Over the years I have read many books on the subject of prayer and spiritual development. Some were by well known authors. They failed to make a connection with me as a reader looking for answers in a time of need, but Pray-ers Bear Fruit is different. Throughout the book, my needs were addressed on different levels. I believe it will do the same for others who read it. It challenges you to take a closer look at various areas of your personal life. Prayer-ers Bear Fruit is not only a “must read”, it is a book that you will want to read over again to experience the different levels of growth God has for each individual."
Detroit, MI
"I am an avid reader of books-especially those on prayer-and I have read all types, many either technical in nature or so deep that the average person without a church background or culture cannot understand them, yet Pray-ers Bear Fruit breaks down all of those previous barriers. It walks us through the necessity that is prayer: what it is, how to do it, why it should be such a priority in our lives, and the inevitable fruit that comes from those who have chosen and choose make it an active part of their lives. Prayer is not some complex feat to be mastered only by years of time in church or only by people of the cloth. It is a simple task commanded of all men and the simplest step to living the life we all truly desire to live and Kathy’s book fully expresses that."
Desiree M. Mondesir
Charlotte, NC
The message of prayer is not a new message, but it is very necessary in the times we are living in. Why? Because God is calling His people back to the basics, back to intimacy with Him. Many have either never taken the time to form a meaningful relationship with the Lord through an active prayer life, or some of God's children simply don't know how to pray. Whatever the reason, God has never moved away from the secret place, but many of us have unintentionally become distant from Him. He alone is faithful and true, and the He is the only One we can truly rely on, and He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Let's make a fresh commitment to pray more in 2011.
ReplyDeleteI cannot even imagine where I would be in this life, IF I had not known about praying and seeking God's will in my life.
As I read through your book, I got very emotional when I was reading about Hannah. It brought back so many memories of how long my husband and I had tried to conceive our second child. For almost three years, we tried and finally we came to believe it was not God's will for us to have a second child. At that point, I began to give away my baby things but when I started to give away the stroller and crib, something made me stop.
I had been very ill and the doctor's could not determine what was causing my illness. So we asked a minister at our church to send us an anointing cloth. We prayed that God would heal my illness and as a last thought to the prayer, my husband asked God to heal whatever was preventing me from becoming pregnant IF it was HIS will for us to have another child.
I was healed but oh my once again the illness began to come but this time it was because I was PREGNANT. We were overjoyed. Today the child we were blessed to conceive is now 20 years old.
I could relate to Hannah's pain in many ways, and I could not stop the tears from flowing. What an AWESOME FATHER GOD we serve and One who indeed hears our prayers.
Thanks for your book and it gives me such a pleasure to share it with others. They too are enjoying the book.
ReplyDeleteI never knew this. Thank you for sharing your testimony. God is so faithful. Is'nt is amazing when the Holy Spirit reminds you of something God has done in your life as a result of something you hear, see, or read. Hannah is one of my favorite women of the Bible. It was the way she poured her heart out to the Lord that touches me most. Shirley you are a women of fervent prayer so I know you can relate to that.