Real Men Pray!

One of the best ways to gain a greater understanding of what someone is going through is to imagine being in their shoes, then you can view things from their prospective.  One day I was thinking about all that men must go through being the head of their household and the one responsible to provide for the needs of  their family.  I was in a time of prayer when the Lord began to reveal to me that there are many men who are overwhelmed by the circumstances of life and by their positions as husbands, fathers, breadwinners and more.  Compassion began to well up on the inside of me not only for my own husband, but for men in general.  Because men have a great deal of responsibility weighing heavily upon their shoulders.

It has never been God's will for men to carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders. In fact, He has given men help by way of their wives, the Holy Spirit who is the ultimate helper, and through fellowship with other brothers in Christ.  And even with all the support that has been given, God's greatest desire is for men to come to Him for help.  Therefore men must learn to lean on, trust in, and rely on God for their every need.  It takes a real man to humble himself before the Lord and cast his burdens upon Him and leave them there.  It takes a real man, to admit that he needs help and that he is dependent upon the Lord for all things.  For his strength when he feels tired, and courage when he feels see prayer requires transparency.  It's in the secret place of God's presence where a man can be free to express himself without being looked upon as weak.

Often times women, children, bosses, as well as others treat men as if they were superheroes, when in reality they are simply men.  Let's make a fresh commitment to pray more for our men .  We must cover them with the Word of God and prayer on a daily basics.  Let's speak encouraging words over our men and bless them for all they do for us.  They are on the fronts lines of battle, they are our unsung heroes.  If we don't pray for them, who will? 



1 comment:

  1. Kathy

    I agree wholeheartedly with what you say. I pray every morning and evening for my husband and sons. They need God's love, protection and help just as women do.
