Lord, Teach Us to Pray Luke 11:1

Last November when God led me into a season of rest I had no idea it would last as long as it did. Instead of writing books, blog posts and articles, or speaking at conferences, my days have been filled with studying God's Word and spending much time in prayer. This time of consecration was God's way of preparing me for the next phase of my assignment which is teaching Christians how to pray.

I cannot express how glad I am that I trusted the Lord even when I couldn't see where He was taking me. This season has yielded an abundance of fruit not just for myself, but for others.

Starting Monday, September 29th I will be hosting a weekly prayer call where I will teach short powerful lessons that can potentially change your life. There will also be a time of Spirit-led prayer as I pray for those who are on the call each week.

Starting September 29th 

Every Monday Night 
7:30 PM CST/8:30 PM EST
Call in: 712-775-7085
Access Code:  548925#

There's such an excitement in my spirit about these calls because I know God has great things in store for His people! 

Prayer is the move of God that will usher in return of the Lord.  I am humbled and so thankful God has allowed me to be a part of this great awakening. 

Prayer is taught, but it's also caught through the practice of prayer. Don't miss this awesome opportunity. Together we will go higher in God through prayer. Will you join me?

Love & Blessings,


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