Get God's Perspective

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8,9

I recently traveled to Denver to teach a workshop at a Regional Conference.  One of the highlights of my trip was spending time with my prayer partner Pam.  Since we live in different states, we were both greatly anticipating meeting up at the conference. But little did we know, our trip would require a great deal of faith.  The weeks leading up to our trip were filled with reasons why we should cancel our plans.  But Pam and I knew that God had given us this opportunity, and He had something special in store if we would press on to our destination.  

On the evening before the trip a crisis arose in Pam's family, leaving us wondering whether or not she should take the trip.  So the two of us approached the situation just as we've always done and we took our concerns before the Lord in prayer.  After praying on the phone, we concluded that Pam was to proceed as planned, and trust God to take care of all that concerned her.  If we had judged things based on the way they looked to our natural eyes, we would had cancelled our plans.  But when we got God's perspective on the situation, everything looked totally different.

When we finally met at the hotel, Pamela and I breathed a sigh of relief as we rejoiced in the fact that we had finally made it.  We discussed just how important it is to get God's perspective and see things from a higher point of view.  Pam compared it to being on an airplane.  The lower you are to the ground, the clearer you view the objects beneath.  But as the plane goes higher and higher, things below start to look smaller and smaller, until you can't see them anymore. 

This revelation became crystal clear when we arrived at our hotel room on the tenth floor.  As we stood and looked out of the window we realized how small the objects appeared down below. We understood just what God was speaking to our hearts.  When we look at things through His point of view, we'll cease to worry over our problems.  The circumstances that seem to appear so big will suddenly appear small, until they eventually disappear.  If we take the time to pray and get God's perspective on every situation in our lives, it will make all the difference.

God blessed my trip beyond measure.  I met so many wonderful people, and the women's lives were impacted by the workshop.  Many took home copies of  Pray-ers Bear Fruit for themselves and others, and Pam and I had the chance to join forces in prayer face to face.  By the end of our trip, we were so thankful that we chose to get God's perspective on things. If we had failed to do so we would have missed out on our own blessings and on being a blessing to so many others.    




  1. This is so refreshing. Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging me to get God's perspective in every situation. The analogy of the airplane was great!

  2. What an awesome testimony and revelation!

  3. Thank you Emonne and Pam. I'm so happy you were blessed by this post. Be sure to follow my blog or join via email so that you don't miss any of the lessons. Be blessed ladies!
