Follow The Leader

Having the ability to hear the Holy Spirit's voice, and follow His lead is a learned behavior.  It's something that comes with experience, practice, and by trial and error.  We may make mistakes while we're learning to follow the Holy Spirit's lead, but the good news is, when we're beginners, the Holy Spirit will use very simple, practical things to teach us valuable lessons.  

One day I was at the grocery store picking up a few items, and I felt led to get some ketchup. I disregarded this inner prompting and kept on shopping.  At least two or three more times I felt that I should buy ketchup, but I said to myself, "I already have ketchup at home, why do I need to buy another bottle?"  After returning home and making burgers and fries for dinner, I went to reach for the ketchup, and to my surprise the bottle was practically empty.  All of a sudden I remembered my experience at the grocery store. The Holy Spirit was trying to help me, but I didn't follow His lead.  I was so disappointed that I didn't have enough ketchup to go with my delicious burgers and fries but it taught me how to follow the Leader.  This may seem like an insignificant thing, but it's a small example of how much the Holy Spirit cares, and He desires to help us with even the simple things in life. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us so gently that we often times disregard His leading as being our own mind.  But as we pay closer attention to Him, we will begin to recognize His work in our life.  The experience with the ketchup happened many years ago, but it helped me to learn to follow His lead for years to come.   

Last October I had a special guest in my home, when my cousin, who is more like a sister to me, had been discharged from the hospital.  I offered to have her stay with me until she felt strong enough to care for herself.  Denise was young, single, and independent, so I was quite surprised when she took me up on my offer. She has always been such a kind and generous person, so I wanted to make things really special for her.  Just a couple of days before she arrived, I felt as though I should go and buy some new bedding for the guest bedroom where she would be staying.  I went shopping and found just the right set, and I prepared the room for her arrival.  The following Sunday, I prepared a special dinner which included many of her favorite dishes.  The table was decorated as if it we were celebrating a special holiday.  We laughed, talked, and enjoyed good fellowship around the table.  After Sunday dinner, Denise announced that it was time for her to go home.  She told me that she needed to take care of a few things, and get her life back to normal.  She thanked me for spoiling her and told me she could really get used to being treated so special.  

I really didn't know why I felt so compelled to do things the way I did for Denise, but it was as if I was compelled to do it.  My heart was full of love, compassion, and mercy and I wanted to lavish it all upon Denise.  To my surprise four days later my dear Neicee (Denise) passed away.  Looking back on the events that lead up to Denise's death, I know without doubt that the Holy Spirit led me to do what I did.  I'm just happy that I listened and followed His lead.  I had to rely on the Holy Spirit more than ever during this difficult season.  As I prepared for the family to arrive from out of town, I ask the Holy Spirit to please strengthen me and help me with all that was before me.  He did just what I asked, I was able to push past my grief and the deep pain I felt in my heart, and I had the strength to comfort my aunt and act on her behalf to make all the necessary arrangements for a beautiful home going celebration for Denise.  

Learning to follow the Holy Spirit's lead is one of the greatest things we could ever do in our Christian walk.  He is here with us to lead us, guide us, help us, comfort us, strengthen us, stand by us, reveal to us all truth, and to show us the things that are to come.  The more we practice listening and following His lead, the better we will become at it.  Yes, at times we will miss it, but when we miss it, all we need to do is simply pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and keep going. And learn from experience, for each experience is nothing more than a building block to help us learn to follow the Leader.   

Blessings always,

Kathy R Green


  1. Excellent blog post. Listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit is so key.

  2. Hello. First of all, I apologize for missing your comment. I know you left it so long ago, but I just saw it this morning when I decided to review this post. Thank you for taking time to read this post and leave your comment! Yes, the leading of the Holy Spirit is so important. And I believe it something we can get better at doing. Today I will be posting another lesson along the same lines. I hope you will stop and read it. God bless you!
