It's Time, To Make Time, To Pray!

Let's face it, sometimes life can be hectic. We get busy with family, our work schedules, church activities, and so much more. The days seem to fly by leaving us wondering where time has gone. But in the midst of it all, we can't forget to set aside time for what's most important. We have a tendency to make time for the things we like to do, like shopping, exercising, or getting together with friends, but what about making time for the Lord? If your life seems to be spinning out of control, or if you feel like you're on a treadmill that's going too fast to get off, that's a sure sign that its time to evaluate how you're spending your time. With a little thought and consideration, you will probably discover that there are things that you can cut out of our daily schedule. Choosing to make adjustments in your daily routine starts with the realization that continuing to go at your current pace will only leave you feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed by life. Becoming a person of prayer starts with a decision. When you make prayer a priority and a part of your daily schedule, you will find that your day will go smoother. And to your amazement, you will still be able to accomplish what's most important. Spending time with God in prayer will leave you refreshed. It will empower you to face each day with grace. No matter what a day holds, you will be able to handle it.

Blessings to you,

Kathy R. Green

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